The team at Mile 80 partners with you to take your idea or product and convert it into a story. We aim to tell your story as efficiently and effectively as possible. The goal is - as few words as you need to tell the story.
After the script is agreed to, we create the visuals. The first step is a sketch. Our team will provide you with a link to a storyboard that you can review and make comments on ahead of any final artwork being created.
After the sketches are cleared, we create the final artwork and deliver you a storyboard link that tells the full visual story of your project.
Once the art is cleared, we move into animation. Depending on the length of the video, this is generally a 1-2 week process.
The power of animations is that you can explain very complex problems with very simple graphics. Whatever your product tries to explain, everything can be translated into a concept.
Easy concept.
Second step into this process is matching the wording with visuals. This is what storyboard does. Visualize your video before starting the production, edit it until it works - this is the step where you dictate the general direction of your animation.
Next step is creating the artwork for your animation. We can draw in any style, we can match all your branding and adapt to all the situations.
The 4'th step is the animation itself. This is the most time consuming part, but yet - the most rewarding part. A great animation, accompagned with a beautiful voice over and some music will make your product stand out.
We're always looking to collaborate with new partners.